Writing From Your Queer Heart with writer and performer Cooper Lee Bombardier
Poet Stanley Kunitz wrote that “the empty ones are those who do not suffer their selfhood.”
Writing From Your Queer Heart is geared toward writers of all levels and identities who want to explore ways of rendering marginalized experiences into razor-sharp creative writing. This four-week course—led by writer, artist, performer, and teacher Cooper Lee Bombardier—will provide you with ample opportunity to generate new writing wrung from the hard-won knowledges of your own life.
You will dig down through the basalt into the heart of your unique life experience, uncover the unsayable, journey toward your personal hinterlands, tickle the uncomfortable edges, and render this raw treasure into a short work of fiction or creative nonfiction.
Along the way, you'll examine ways to uncover the “so what” of our your stories, as well as ways to avoid cliché language and representation. You'll explore ways of rendering your own philosophical and ethical “truths,” while avoiding sounding didactic.
You'll consider audience and its effects on your writing, and you will engage in energetic, supportive, vigorous, and compassionate discussion with fellow students on topics such as writing issues, craft points, and cultivating a writing practice.
Finally, you'll discuss the ethical and personal considerations of using material from one's own life, talk about writing from marginalized experiences that are not our own, and how to delve past our own limitations while expanding our comfort zones.